Ensure High-Quality of Ansible Playbooks with yamllint, ansible-lint, and ansible-playbook –syntax-check

To improve the quality and reliability of our Ansible playbooks using three key tools: yamllintansible-lint, and ansible-playbook --syntax-check. These tools help us identify and fix errors before executing our playbooks, making it easier to maintain clean and functional code.


yamllint is a tool for validating YAML files and ensuring they adhere to best formatting practices. Since Ansible uses YAML to define its playbooks, yamllint is an essential tool.

Installing yamllint:

pip install yamllint

Basic Usage of yamllint: 
To validate a YAML file, simply run:

yamllint playbook.yml

If the file contains formatting or syntax errors, yamllint will show them for you to correct.


ansible-lint is a tool specifically designed to review Ansible playbooks. It helps ensure that playbooks follow best practices and community-recommended standards.

Installing ansible-lint:

pip install ansible-lint

Basic Usage of ansible-lint: 
To review a playbook, simply run:

ansible-lint playbook.yml

ansible-lint not only checks for syntax but also verifies the correct usage of modules and best practices.

ansible-playbook –syntax-check

The ansible-playbook command has an option called --syntax-check that verifies the syntax of your playbook without executing it. This is useful for ensuring there are no syntax errors before performing a full run.

Basic Usage of ansible-playbook –syntax-check:

ansible-playbook --syntax-check playbook.yml

This tool provides a quick way to validate that your playbook is free of syntax errors.

Recommended Workflow

Here is a recommended workflow to ensure your Ansible playbooks are well-formatted and error-free:

  • Verify YAML formatting:
yamllint playbook.yml
  • Review playbook for best practices:
ansible-lint playbook.yml
  • Check playbook syntax:
ansible-playbook --syntax-check playbook.yml

Maintaining your Ansible playbooks clean, well-formatted, and error-free is crucial for ensuring efficient and smooth deployments. Using tools like yamllintansible-lint, and ansible-playbook --syntax-check will help you identify and correct issues before they become problems in production.


This article was written by RoberMB

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